Ståle Holgersen presents "Against the Crisis: Economy and Ecology in a Burning World" in conversation w/ Tad DeLay

Capitalism produces crises and crises reproduce capitalism. We need an ecosocialist way out.
If crisis defines our era, we need a coherent socialist policy in response. Ståle Holgersen delves into today’s economic and ecological crises to demonstrate that they are not exceptions to an otherwise functioning system but integral to its operation. It is naive to see these upheavals as opportunities for reform or revolution. They are the bedrock of the status quo. Fortunately, the vicious circle sustaining capitalism is not founded on an iron law. Our historical mission in the face of the climate crisis is to create a historical exception to the rule. It is time for ecosocialism against crisis.
Ståle Holgersen is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Stockholm University, Sweden. He is a member of two research collectives: the Zetkin Collective (ecosocialist group working on political ecologies of the far right) published WHITE SKIN, BLACK FUEL on Verso in 2021 and Fundament (a housing research collective) published KRIS I BOSTADSFRÅGAN on Daidalos in 2023. This is his first monograph in English.
Tad DeLay is a philosopher, religion scholar, and interdisciplinary critical theorist. His books include AGAINST: WHAT DOES THE WHITE EVANGELICAL WANT?, THE CYNIC & THE FOOL, and GOD IS UNCONSCIOUS. He is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy in Baltimore.