Jonathan Tarleton presents "Homes for Living: The Fight for Social Housing and a New American Commons" in conversation w/ Lawrence Lanahan Thursday, Mar 13, 07:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Book presentationEconomyHousingJournalismTalk
Jeanne Theoharris and Martha S. Jones present "King of the North: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Life of Struggle Outside the South" and "The Trouble of Color: An American Family Memoir" Wednesday, Mar 26, 07:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Anti-RacismBook presentationHistoryTalk
Eric Blanc presents "We Are the Union How Worker-to-Worker Organizing Is Revitalizing Labor and Winning Big" in conversation w/ Maximillian Alvarez Thursday, Mar 27, 07:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Book presentationLaborOrganizingTalkUnion
Boff Whalley of Chumbawamba presents "But" Saturday, Mar 29, 07:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Anarcho-PunkBook presentationFolkMusicTalk
Silvia Park presents "Luminous" in conversation w/ Nic Anstett & KC Mead-Brewer Wednesday, Apr 02, 07:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Book presentationFictionTalk
Vivian Blaxell presents "Worthy of the Event" in conversation w/ Rahne Alexander Thursday, Apr 03, 07:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Book presentationTalkTrans IdentityTrans Life
Ståle Holgersen presents "Against the Crisis: Economy and Ecology in a Burning World" in conversation w/ Tad DeLay Tuesday, Apr 08, 07:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Book presentationCapitalismClimate ChangeEcologyEconomyTalk
Z. Hanna presents "We’re Gonna Get Through This Together" in conversation w. dominic moulden Thursday, Apr 10, 07:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Book presentationTalk
Alec Karakatsanis presents "Copaganda: How Police and the Media Manipulate Our News" in conversation w/Lisa Snowden Sunday, Apr 13, 02:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Book presentationJournalismPoliceTalk
Gallery Talk: Romello Goodman's "Repetition as Prayer" Wednesday, Mar 12, 05:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD ArtDesignTalk
Eliana Rubin presents "Taking the State Out of the Body" Thursday, Mar 06, 07:00 PM Red Emma's 3128 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD Jewish Voices for PeaceTalkanti-imperialismanti-zionisminternationalismqueer